Selasa, 29 Januari 2013

16 Tenses Bahasa Inggris Beserta Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat

Hari ini saya akan sharing materi yang saya pelajari untuk matkul, saya juga terimakasih kepada sumbernya ntah blog siapa saya lupa mencatatnya hehehe,,, maaf kalau artikelnya kurang lengkap atau salah ya, disimak aja yang butuh materi ini silahkan diambil.

 A. Simple Present Tenses
Tenses ini digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang bersifat tetap, kebiasaan atau kebenaran yang hakiki. Karena sering menyangkut kejadian diwaktu lamapu, sekarang dan akan datang, Tenses ini paling sedikit mempunyai keterangan waktu tertentu.
Kalimat-kalimat bahasa inggris umumnya harus mempunyai subject(s) dan predicate(p). karena itu semua Tenses akan dipormulasi seperti itu.
+) Subject + to be + verb I + Main verb
+) Subject + verbI +(s/es)
Contoh :
* he is handsome
(dia tampan)
* is he handsome?
(apakah dia tampan?)
* he is not handsome
(dia tidak tampan)
Simple Present Tense dipakai ketika:
• Kejadiannya bersifat umum, atau
• Terjadi sepanjang waktu, atau kebiasaan di masa lampau, sekarang dan masa yang akan datang, atau
• Kejadiannya tidak hanya terjadi sekarang, atau
• Bersifat kebenaran umum, yang orang lain tidak dapat menyangkal lagi akan kebenarannya.

B. Present Continuous Tense
Tenses ini digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu tindakan yang benar-benar sedang dilakukan saat ini. Kalimat-kalimat dalam Tenses ini lebih sering dipakai dari pada present Tenses.
subject + to be (is, am, are) + kata kerja + ing

Tense ini dipakai untuk menjelaskan tentang:
• Kejadian yang sedang terjadi sekarang, atau
• Kejadian yang akan terjadi di masa yang akan dating
Contoh :
+) She is cooking in the kitchen.
(dia sedang memasak di dapur)
-) She is not cooking in the kitchen
(dia tidak sedang memasak di dapur)
?) is she cooking in the kitchen?
(Apakah dia sedang memasak di dapur?)
C. Present Perfect Tense
subject + have + past participle (Kata Kerja Bentuk ke-3)
Tense ini digunakan untuk:
• Pengalaman
• Perubahan
• Situasi Yang berkelanjutan
Atau untuk menunjukan suatu peristiwa yang selesai pada waktu yang singkat (baru selesai)
Perhatikan contoh-contoh kalimatnya berikut ini:
+) they have met me
(mereka sudah menemui saya)
?) have they met me?
(apakah mereka sudah menemui saya?
-) they have not met me
( mereka belum menemui saya)
D. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
subject + have / has + been + K.Kerja + ing
Kita menggunakan Tense ini untuk menjelaskan:
• Satu kejadian/kegiatan yang baru saja berlangsung
• Satu perbuatan yang berlangsung hingga sekarang (pada saat bicara masih terjadi)
Perhatikan contoh kalimat berikut:
+) They have been playing football
(Mereka telah sedang bermain sepakbola)
-) They have not been playing football
(merka telah tidak sedang bermain sepakbola)
?) have they been playing football?
( Apakah merka telah sedang bermain sepakbola?)
E. Simple Past Tense
Rumus Kalimat Positif:
subject + Kata Kerja Bentuk ke – 2
Rumus Kalimat Negatif :
subject + did + not + Kata Kerja Bentuk ke – 1
Rumus Kalimat Tanya:
Did + subject + Kata Kerja Bentuk ke – 1
Pengecualian: Ketika Predikat suatu kalimat bukan kata kerja, maka pengganti kata kerja tersebut adalah was (I, she, he, it) dan were (we, you, they).
Kapan kita memakai Simple Past Tense?
Kita memakai Tense ini untuk membicarakan tentang satu perbuatan yang terjadi di masa lampau.
Perhatikan contoh kalimat berikut:
+) They were student last year
(mereka pelajar tahun lalu)
-) they were not student last year
(mereka bukan pelajar tahun lalu)
?) were they student last year?
(apakah mereka pelajar tahun lalu?)
F. Past Continuous Tense
subject + was, were + Kata Kerja + ing
Kapan kita menggunakan Tense ini?
Tense ini menggambarkan suatu tindakan atau kejadian pada waktu tertentu di masa lampau.
+)We were joking.
-) We were not joking
?) Were we joking?
G. Past Perfect Tense
had + subject + Kata Kerja Bentuk ke - 3
Kapan kita menggunakan Past Perfect Tense?
Tense ini mengekspresikan tindakan di masa lalu sebelum tindakan lain terjadi, namun kejadiannya di masa lampau.
+) I had listen the radio when you come here
(aku sudah mendengar radio sebelum kamu datang
H. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
subject + had + been + Kata Kerja + ing
Kapan Kita menggunakan Past Perfect Continuous Tense?
Tense ini sama pemakaiannya dengan Past Perfect Tense, namun mengekspresikan tindakan-tindakan yang lebih lama di masa lampau sebelum tindakan lain terjadi.
She had been helping me when they went to scool
(dia telah sedang membantu saya ketika mereka telah pergi ke sekolah)
I. Simple Future Tense
subject + WILL/SHALL + Kata Kerja Bentuk I
Kapan kita mengunakan Simple Future Tense?
a. Tidak Ada Rencana Sebelumnya atau Menyatakan perbuatan/kejadian yang akan dilakukan pada waktu yang akan datang
contoh :
• Hold on. I‘ll get a pen.

b. Prediksi
• It will rain tomorrow.
Ketika predikat suatu kalimat bukan kata kerja, maka gunakan be untuk menggantikan kata kerja tersebut.
• I‘ll be in London tomorrow.
Ketika kita mempunyai rencana atau keinginan untuk melakukan suatu kegiatan di masa yang akan datang, maka gunakan be going to atau Present Continuous Tense untuk menggantikan will/shall.
J. Future Continuous Tense
subject + WILL + BE + Kata Kerja + ing
Kapan kita menggunakan Future Continuous Tense?
Tense ini menggambarkan suatu tindakan yang akan terjadi di waktu tertentu di masa yang akan datang.
He will be teaching me at eight tomorrow
(dia akan sedang mengajar saya pada jam delapan besok)

K. Future Perfect Tense
subject + WILL + HAVE + Kata Kerja Bentuk ke 3
Kapan Kita Menggunakan Future Perfect Tense?
Tense ini kita pakai untuk menggambarkan suatu kegiatan yang akan terjadi di masa yang akan datang sebelum kegiatan lain terjadi.
They will be tired when they arrive.
(mereka akan telah lelah ketika mereka datang)
L. Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Subject + WILL + HAVE + BEEN + Kata Kerja I + ing
Kapan kita memakai Future Perfect Continuous Tense?
Kita menggunakan Tense ini untuk membicarakan tentang suatu tindakan/kegiatan yang panjang sebelum beberapa saat di masa yang akan datang. Contoh:
• He will be tired when he arrives. He will have been traveling for 24 hours.
M. Past Future Tense
Untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan/peristiwa yang akan terjadi diwaktu lampau
subject + WOULD + Kata Kerja Bentuk I
Contoh :
She would not be at school tomorrow.
(Dia tidak akan ke sekolah besok)
N. Past Future Continuous Tense
Untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang sedang terjadi di waktu lampau.
subject + WOULD + BE + Kata Kerja + ing
We would be having dinner at home yesterday.
(kita akan sedang makan malam di rumah kemarin)
O. Past Future Perfect Tense
untuk menyatakan suatu prbuatan atau peristiwa yang akan sedang terjadi di waktu lampau
subject + WOULD + HAVE + Kata Kerja Bentuk ke 3
she would have be finished to studied if he had not been lazy
(dia akan sudah tamat belajar jika dia tidak malas)
P. Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan/peristiwa yang akan sedang terjadi di waktu lampau
Subject + WOULD + HAVE + BEEN + Kata Kerja I + ing
We would have been waiting long.
(kita akan sudah sedang menunggu lama)
Rumus Umum Tense adalah sbb:
No Tenses Rumus
1 Present Simple Tense S + V1 + dll
2 Present Continuous Tense S + is, am, are + V-ing + dll
3 Present Perfect Tense S + have,has + V3 + dll
4 Present Perfect Continuous Tense S + have, has + been + V-ing + dll
5 Past Simple Tense S + V2 + dll
6 Past Continuous Tense S + was, were + V-ing + dll
7 Past Perfect Tense S + had + V3 + dll
8 Past Perfect Continuous Tense S + had + been + V-ing + dll
9 Future Simple Tense S + will + V1 + dll
10 Future Continuous Tense S + will + be + V-ing + dll
11 Future Perfect Tense S + will + have + V3 + dll
12 Future Perfect Continuous Tense S + will + have + been + V-ing + dll
13 Past Future Simple Tense S + would + V1 + dll
14 Past Future Continuous Tense S + would + be + V-ing + dll
15 Past Future Perfect Tense S + would + have + V3 + dll
16 Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense S + would + have + been + V-ing + dll

Business Letter

Business Letters in English
Business letters are formal paper communications between, to or from businesses and usually sent through the Post Office or sometimes by courier. Business letters are sometimes called "snail-mail" (in contrast to email which is faster). This lesson concentrates on business letters but also looks at other business correspondence. It includes:
1.       letter
2.       memo
3.       fax
4.       email
Who writes Business Letters?
Most people who have an occupation have to write business letters. Some write many letters each day and others only write a few letters over the course of a career. Business people also read letters on a daily basis. Letters are written from a person/group, known as the sender to a person/group, known in business as the recipient. Here are some examples of senders and recipients:
  1. business «» business
  2.  business «» consumer
  3. job applicant «» company
  4. citizen «» government official
  5. employer «» employee
  6. staff member «» staff member

Why write Business Letters?
There are many reasons why you may need to write business letters or other correspondence:
·         to persuade
·         to inform
·         to request
·         to express thanks
·         to remind
·         to recommend
·         to apologize
·         to congratulate
·         to reject a proposal or offer
·         to introduce a person or policy
·         to invite or welcome
·         to follow up
·         to formalize decisions
Read through the following pages to learn more about the different types of business letters, and how to write them. You will learn about formatting, planning, and writing letters, as well as how to spot your own errors. These pages are designed to help you write business letters and correspondence, but they will also help you learn to read, and therefore respond to, the letters you receive. You will also find samples that you can use and alter for your own needs.
Business Letter Vocabulary attachment extra document or image that is added to an email
·         block format     :  most common business letter format, single spaced, all paragraphs begin at the left
·         body                 : the content of the letter; between the salutation and signature
·         bullets               : small dark dots used to set off items in an unnumbered list
·         certified mail     :  important letters that sender pays extra postage for in order to receive a notice of
·         coherent           :  logical; easy to understand
·         concise             :  gets to the point quickly
·         confidential        : personal private
·         diplomacy, diplomatic :  demonstrating consideration and kindness
·         direct mail, junk mail :    marketing letters addressed to a large audience
·         double space     : format where one blank line is left between lines of text
·         enclosure           : extra document or image included with a letter
·         formal   uses set formatting and business language, opposite of casual
·         format  the set up or organization of a document
·         heading a word or phrase that indicates what the text below will be about
·         indent                extra spaces (usually 5) at the beginning of a paragraph
·         informal             :  casual
·         inside address    :  recipient's mailing information
·         Justified margins :  straight and even text, always begins at the same place
·         Letter head        :  specialized paper with a (company) logo or name printed at the top
·         logo                   :  symbol or image that identifies a specific organization
·         margin               :   a blank space that borders the edge of the text
·         memorandum (memo) : document sent within a company (internal), presented in short form
·         modified block format : left justified as block format, but date and closing are centered
·         on arrival notation       : notice to recipient that appears on an envelope (e.g. "confidential")
·         post age the cost of sending a letter through the Post Office
·         proof  read       : read through a finished document to check for mistakes
·         punctuation       : marks used within or after sentences and phrases (e.g. periods, commas)
·         reader-friendly  : easy to read
·         recipient            : the person who receives the letter
·         right ragged       : format in which text on the right side of the document ends at slightly different points
                                 (not justified)
·         salutation           : greeting in a letter (e.g. "Dear Mr Jones")
·         sensitive information     : content in a letter that may cause the receiver to feel upset
·         semi-block format paragraphs are indented, not left-justified
·         sincerely :  term used before a name when formally closing a letter
·         single spaced :   format where no blanks lines are left in-between lines of text
·         spacingblank : area between words or lines of text
·         tone      :  the feeling of the language (e.g. serious, enthusiastic)
·         transitions :  words or phrases used to make a letter flow naturally (e.g. "furthermore", "on the other

Business Letter Vocabulary Quiz1            
1.       Before you seal and send your letter, make sure to it.   
2.       As soon as your certified letter reaches the you will be notified.               
3.       Choose if you want to put the date and closing in the center of the page.            
4.       Set off the list of "Do's and Don'ts" by using .
5.       The envelope indicated that there was , but in fact there was only a letter inside.            
6.       The of the first paragraph was optimistic, so I wasn't expecting the bad news in the middle.
7.       I decided not to interview her, because her cover letter contained very poor
8.       The about the meeting was posted on the bulletin board for everyone to read.
9.       Our address and phone number are shown on our .
10.   In block text format, you do not each paragraph.         
Business Letter Formats
There are certain standards for formatting a business letter, though some variations are acceptable (for example between European and North American business letters). Here are some basic guidelines:
·         Use A4 (European) or 8.5 x 11 inch (North American) paper or letterhead
·         Use 2.5 cm or 1 inch margins on all four sides
·         Use a simple font such as Times New Roman or Arial
·         Use 10 to 12 point font
·         Use a comma after the salutation (Dear Mr Bond,)
·         Lay out the letter so that it fits the paper appropriately
·         Single space within paragraphs
·         Double space between paragraphs
·         Double space between last sentence and closing (Sincerely, Best wishes)
·         Leave three to fives spaces for a handwritten signature
·         cc: (meaning "copies to") comes after the typed name (if necessary)
·         enc: (meaning "enclosure") comes next (if necessary)
·         Fold in three (horizontally) before placing in the envelope
·         Use right ragged formatting (not justified on right side)
·         Formatting Business Letters
Block format is the most common format used in business today. With this format, nothing is centred. The sender's address, the recipient's address, the date and all new paragraphs begin at the left margin, like this:Wicked Wax Co. Ltd